Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy April

Ry's editorial artwork... April in Thailand is hot, hot, hot

Ghost of Allie

Fun in the pool... 8 days/nights a week

Fun with the camera settings... help! I know not what I'm doing     

Somehow still smiling after (hot) tennis practice

My bumper sticker... she's been on honor roll all year. Favorite class now is Japanese, I grin with pride

On first day meeting, they of course figured out their birthdays were within days of each other & immediately began party planning... way back in September

Maria is a sweetheart from Brazil & turned 10

Love the form

Allie invited buddy from Denmark, whose twin sister has been a very sick girl the last 3 months. They thought it was Lyme disease, but now believe a rare virus that's kind of paralyzed her. She was too weak to stop by the fiesta... keep her in your thoughts

Quick... sing happy birthday before ocean breezes blow out candles. Took forever to light. Ry's turning 8, Maria 10, so the little international peacekeeping diplomats suggested putting 9 candles on the cake. The future is bright!

Happy Girl

Happy April! 

April is the hottest month of year in Thailand.  I have spent a couple July weeks in Phoenix, and believe recent days compare with that, but add 300% humidity. Remember Monica's wild hair in that Friends episode in the Caribbean? Yep.  

To deal with heat, Thai "summer vacation" in public schools is March & April, and the country celebrates their New Year holiday next week with a huge water festival.  For several days during Songkran, everyone throws water at each other.  Complete strangers do it to each other, everyone is fair game, and it's quite the wild time from what we hear.  Girls of course can't wait.  Little do they know... I plan on ambushing them Friday after school with buckets & double fisted squirt guns!

Spring break is next week.  Girls are off 10 days and Rob a week as the company will close. This is the biggest holiday of year, save the King's birthday.  We're heading about 4 hours away to Koh Chang, a mountainous island near Cambodia, and spending the week in (air conditioned) bungalows on the beach. Ry will turn 8 on the island.  And we will eat dinner together each & every night... the best gift of all, Ry would agree.