Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"We Need a Gecko Getter"

Bangkok Tuk-tuk

Visited Grand Palace & Temple

Gave girls camera for the afternoon. It's taken us a while to learn this little trick, but we highly recommend for visiting temples, palaces and museums with kids

Girls had surprising patience while touring, especially given the heat. They were genuinely interested in these murals, for a while

Mural restoration technique was intriguing to watch

Palace built just before French Revolution. There is some French influence in architecture here, though Thailand was never occupied by France

Allie had to cover up with sarong because she was wearing capri pants. Girls asked, "Who would wear a see-through shirt?" Thankfully there are still some sights in this big world they haven't seen.

Below are some things we have verbalized in the past 7 days.  I don't believe we've ever said a single one of them when living in Michigan:

"Mom... there are gecko droppings behind the globe again."

"I'm liking the January utility bills."

"There was a snake in the elementary school hall today, a poisonous one.  I saw the guy holding it after he killed it.  It was bigger than Riley, but probably not as big as me."

"This mango is SOOOOO good." - I may have said this in Michigan, but I didn't know what I was saying

"No problem... I'll send our driver."

"Don't step on the frog by the fridge! Quick, grab him!"

"What are you snacking on now?"  reply... "The meat from Singapore."

"Hon, there's a dead gecko on the deck.  Do you mind? Thanks." - Rob can be such a wimp

"Here's a thousand.  Put the change in the class Haiti fund." - FYI, a thousand is about $30

"Yay! You're home from work early." - I'd say this in the States, but never at 7:30pm

"Mom, can we have Thai tonight?"

"For family vacation this year, do you want to go to China or Japan?" - answer was a unanimous Japan

"First precipitation in 3 almost months!"

"We need a gecko-getter." - Ry, last night while trying to get the dining room bandit. Each of these gecko comments was on a different day

"I just love Thailand." - Ry, out of the blue when playing cards this weekend