Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Couple Steps Closer to Home

Twas the month before Christmas, just moved out of Thai house, not a blue spruce was stirring... so we decked our hotel suite's wine tree for our last couple weeks there. Merry, merry!

Moving Day... speedy and barefoot, the entire crew

Prior to moving, we farewelled by the sea with Rob's fantastic Thai team. They arranged mind releasing beach games, seafood, sticky rice & pork, volleyball, and chill time for us all.

Repairing the net

Another long day for the girls. They are tiring of heat, eternal car rides to distant places, "best behavior" for work events, being petted, facing shrimp and octopus. They perked during volleyball, and found their groove again as the sun began to settle the heat.

Already missing Thai sunsets and the fun we have in them.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Giving Thanks

Sometimes feels like they're following us... Amway is all over here

Rob'll be in Singapore on Thanksgiving, Allie's competing in a swim meet in Malaysia this weekend, and we soon kick off our move and many farewells... so we took time to give thanks last weekend for our last visit to the island gem of Koh Chang. Great snorkeling, boat jumping, resorting, sunsetting, and for nearly every meal of our last little Thai getaway, the girls were grateful for Italian. 

Including a small taste on the long drive home... a stop at the Pizza Company where I misordered tiny little pizzas. Still famished, I ordered us another bigger cheese pizza. The darn thing arrived COVERED in little shrimps, octopus and fake crab. CHEESE pizza & SEA pizza kind of sound alike, so it seems. We laugh, pay our bill and grab KFC snacks to go.

There is a lot about this charming life that I am going to miss, including my many missteps through it.

But I am growing a little excited for the coming winter and SNOW! Just got season snowboard passes back home and researched new snowblowers for Rob, though I can't wait to shovel. I ordered us all new, cozy socks. Except for 3 pairs of graying running whites, I haven't really worn socks in almost 3 years. Now I've got a bunch waiting back home for my missteps there and I will be grateful to closet my clumsy flip-flops, for a while.